About Us

About Us

Welcome to White Waters Bath, Where Time-Honored Tradition Meets Modern Luxury

Our story at White Waters Bath is deeply rooted in the rich history and natural wonders of XiaoTang Mountain in Beijing, where our founder grew up. Inspired by the legendary XiaoTang Mountain hot springs, known for their therapeutic properties and esteemed history, we've embarked on a journey to bring this royal bathing experience into homes worldwide.

Our Heritage: Inspired by the Ancient XiaoTang Mountain Hot Springs

XiaoTang Mountain, located near Beijing, is renowned for its mineral-rich hot springs, with a history that dates back over a thousand years. These springs were the sanctuary of emperors and royalties, revered for their healing and rejuvenating properties. It is said that the waters of XiaoTang Mountain have soothed and revitalized the likes of emperors from the Jin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, making it a symbol of both luxury and wellness.

Growing up in the vicinity of these legendary springs, our founder was deeply influenced by the culture and history that surrounded them. The idea that such ancient, natural luxury could be experienced today sparked a passion to make the benefits of sulfuric hot springs accessible to everyone, anywhere.

Our Philosophy: A Blend of History and Innovation

At White Waters Bath, we blend the ancient wisdom of XiaoTang Mountain with modern skincare science. Our products are more than just skincare; they are a tribute to a historical legacy. We aim to encapsulate the essence of these royal baths, offering a serene, rejuvenating experience that transcends the ordinary.

Our Products: Crafting Your Personal Hot Spring

We carefully infuse the minerals with a selection of botanical essential oils that are beneficial to most skin types. Each product in our line is crafted to transform your bath into a luxurious hot spring retreat, reminiscent of the ancient royal baths but tailored for your modern lifestyle.

Our Promise: Sustainably Sourced, Ethically Made

In keeping with our commitment to authenticity and quality, we source our ingredients sustainably, respecting both the environment and the rich history that inspires us. Our ethical approach ensures that each product is not only kind to your skin but also to the world around us.

Embark on a Journey with Us

Join us at White Waters Bath in rediscovering ancient luxury, redefined for the modern age. Embrace the chance to turn your bathing ritual into a moment of historical indulgence, revitalizing both body and soul.

Welcome to White Waters Bath - where every bath is a journey through time, reviving the royal essence of XiaoTang Mountain in your own home.